Girl Day Exposes Girls To STEM Careers!
Raytheon's Girl Day introduced girls across the country to science yesterday through MathMovesU events created to empower young women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM!
MathMovesU is all about increasing students' interested in STEM by letting them interact in fun and hands-on science and math activities.
Across the nation on Girl Day, Raytheon mentors demonstrated their own love and passion for math and science to encourage girls and young women to consider careers in engineering.
The Girl Day movement, started by engineering and tech volunteer group DiscoverE, highlights the creative and collaborative nature of engineering. Engineers are constantly making strides to change the world for the better, and girls should be a part of the movement!
According to the National Science Foundation, only 19 percent of engineering bachelor degrees are earned by women, and only 11 percent of all engineers are female! Girl Day aims to increase those numbers to even the playing field!
Girl Day events were held yesterday from Foxborough, Massachusetts to Tucson, Arizona, to Walt Disney World in Florida and San Diego and El Segundo, California. We hope that the event will continue to impact young girls and show them they can have a future in STEM!
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