The Top Lies People Tell You About College
You did it: After spending a year stressed over the SATs and your stack of applications, you're finally ready to embark on your college journey.
For those attending college away from home, it can be an intimidating thing going into the unknown. It's easy to turn to your high school friends and classmates for advice, tips and just general info about college—especially since you likely don't know that many people yet who have made it through all four (or more!) years.
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Alas, if you're looking to your friends who are still seniors in high school for college info, it's probably worth taking everything they say with a grain of salt. There's a lot of misconceptions about college that people have upon high school graduation—passed down through the generations, sure, but also from movies and TV.
Here are just some of the well-meaning lies you'll hear that you don't need to take as gospel.
1. 'Class Attendance Doesn't Matter'
Um, yes it does. Sure, skipping class doesn't have quite the same consequences as it would in high school (as in, you're not going to get in disciplinary trouble) that doesn't mean it's a total free-for-all. While some big lecture-style classes may not take attendance every day, many classes, especially smaller ones, will. Some (if not most) will also have policies where you'll receive an automatic failing grade if you miss a certain number of classes during the semester—and let's not forget about class participation points. And even if you could technically get away with skipping class, you're missing out on the valuable info you'll need to pass tests.
2. 'You'll Have No Free Time'
Unlike high school, where you spend eight hours (at least) a day in school, you may only have a few hours of classes a day—or even an entire day of the week totally free. People get tripped up when they think they have all the time in the world to do coursework, only for all of that free time to be wasted away—hence all-nighters in the library.
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3. 'Everyone Parties In College'
It's true that certain schools have a bigger reputation for partying than others, but one of the best parts about college is the diversity of people. Just like there are people who want to hit fraternity row every night, there are those who prefer chiller nights in—and it's really not a big deal either way. Whether you're an extrovert or an introvert, there will be people with similar lifestyles and values as you at your new college, so don't fret if you're not the typical party animal.
4. 'You'll Make Friends Automatically'
Between the dorm, bigger classes and way more extracurricular activities, there are potential friends everywhere—but you do need to put yourself out there in order to take advantage of that. While some people find their bestie in the opposite bed in their dorm room, you may not click with your roommate, or even the people in your hall. It is possible to find "your people" in college, but if it doesn't seem like it's coming naturally, that may mean it's time to join clubs or just chat with the person next to you in a particularly tough class.
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5. 'Going To the Best School Possible Is All You Need To Do To Set Yourself Up For Life'
A prestigious school is great on paper, but you still need to work in college in order to really get the most out of the experience for your future. That means taking on internships, accepting leadership positions and building good connections with your professors—no matter what school you go to. College is one place where resources are right at your fingertips, so take advantage while you can.
Want to read more about college? Click HERE to read about what it's like to join a sorority.