Why November Really Is the Best Month of the Year

Wow, is it really November already?

Just two months to go and the year will come to a close. But before we start shopping for NYE dresses and making plans for the ball to drop, let's take a moment to appreciate this extra special time.

Keep reading for all the reasons why November is the best month:

1. You finally get the full effect of fall. Where Sept. and Oct. can have lingering summer heat, and Dec. can be too cold, Nov., on the other hand, is when you get just the right amount of chill, accompanied by the beauty of falling leaves.


(via Unsplash)

2. You still have the holidays to look forward to after Thanksgiving. So enjoy your turkey and stuffing, and remind yourself that in just one month from then, you'll get to do it all over again!

3. Thanksgiving is awesome. Whether it's catching up with family and friends, eating the day away with no cares in the world or binging everything you've missed on Netflix, there's really something for everyone to enjoy. And no work or school? Consider us sold!

Rory and Lorelai eating Thanksgiving dinners on Gilmore Girls

(Gilmore Girls via The CW)

4. The month is pretty relaxing. Aside from Thanksgiving, there's really no pressure to do anything. Halloween was all about costumes and parties (which can be stressful) and December is all about holidays and NYE (which can also be stressful). Use this month as a chance to recharge.

5. It's the perfect month to get in touch with your spiritual side. With the chilly weather and calming vibes, Nov. is a great time to take up meditation or go for a reiki session to clear your energy. As noted above, it's an excellent month to recharge, set new intentions and get your life together (ha!).

Girl in grey tank top and yoga pats meditating with her white cat in front of her

(via Shutterstock)

6. We can finally bundle up in our warm sweaters and popping fall colors. November is the perfect month to experiment with makeup and fashion, with so many variations of burgundy and orange being thrown into the mix.

7. Black Friday deals are pretty awesome. The day after Thanksgiving may seem like a drag to you, but if you get on your parents' good side, you could really end up benefiting from this crazy day of shopping deals.


If fall is totally your fave, we bet we can guess what you love most about the season, based on your zodiac sign HERE!