5 Coquette Activities to Add to Your 2025 Rotation

If you couldn't tell, here at Sweety High, we are obsessed with everything coquette. There is nothing quite like reclaiming your femininity to do all things girly, from wearing pink to adorning your items with extra frills.

Aside from fashion, there are ways to incorporate the aesthetic into your everyday by participating in soft and sweet hobbies. Below, discover five that we enjoy to live your best coquette life in 2025.


We've all heard of the Pilates Princess on TikTok. She's the girl who arrives to class, looking extra stylish in her matching baby pink two-piece set. Of course, she'll also have a sleek water bottle and pastel yoga mat. Then, she conquers her workout while looking as stylish as she is fit.

We love Pilates, in particular, because it emphasizes graceful movements, which we associate with femininity. Plus, it's one of those few exercise classes that have mostly women, making us feel much safer.

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Matcha Run

Ditch the coffee this year and select the cuter option, matcha. Matcha has less caffeine, and its green tea has antioxidant effects for your digestion system. Besides, a green drink is so much more Instagram-worthy than your traditional iced latte. And it's the perfect activity to finish off another hobby, like Pilates.


Also read about: 7 Pretty in Pink Recipes for Every Coquette Girl



How can we make everything in our lives adorable, down to the food we eat? Baking is the prime activity to do just that. Your dessert will be just as sweet as you are, and you can add little coquette accents, such as bows and flowers. It'll look even better next to your cup of matcha, too!



Okay, you've got Pilates in your fitness rotation, but you might crave even more ways to improve your health. Ballet is the epitome of coquette exercise. Like Pilates, it promotes poise and elegancy. Meanwhile, the outfits have us swooning every time we see them.

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As a coquette girl, you probably will start DIY-ing a lot of your items. After all, everything looks better with a few extra bows and lace. Learning how to sew will allow you to alter any piece of fashion the way you want for a low cost. It's totally therapeutic, too.


Did you start your manifestation journey in 2025? Click HERE to discover five coquette affirmations to channel your sweetest energy yet.