Girl Meets World Star Corey Fogelmanis Reveals His Dream Date

The girls at Sweety High have a few questions about how to talk to boys—and who better to answer than a star of Disney Channel's Girl Meets World?

Corey Fogelmanis plays the weirdly lovable Farkle Minkus on the show, and we asked him about what girls have done to get his attention, how to send great texts and his perfect date. Keep reading to be totally enlightened.

Corey Fogelmanis purple background

(Photo Credit: Catie Laffoon)

Sweety High: What do you think is the best way for a girl to get a guy's attention?

Corey Fogelmanis: Being true to yourself gets people's attention. You shouldn't change who you are for anybody. Also, confidence and being really passionate about something. I know it sounds really cliché, but I really believe that being yourself makes people take notice.


SH: What's the boldest thing a girl has ever done to get your attention?

CF: Everyone's been pretty mellow in real life, but on social media it's a completely different story. Twitter is really interesting because people will insult you to try get your attention. I'd say it's bold, but obviously that's the last thing you should do.


SH: How can a girl start a conversation with a guy that she wants to get to know better?

CF: That's tough because it's so specific to each situation, but the easiest way is to find out if you have any common interests and find a way to bring those up and talk about them.


SH: What do you think is the worst way to get a guy's attention?

CF: Putting other people down. Sometimes they do that to make themselves feel better or look cooler. It really doesn't look that cool.


SH:  How much do guys really care about the clothes and makeup a girl wears?

CF: I can really only speak for myself, but to be honest I don't really care. If she likes it, that's what matters. I would never want anyone to do anything for me that they didn't want to do in the first place. If they like it and it makes them comfortable and confident, then of course that's cool. But I don't have any rules for that kind of thing.


SH: Do you have any ideas of a one-liner text that you think would instantly get a guy's attention?

CF: I'm not very creative with text messaging. I'm not a good texter, but I think it should be funny. I know that's vague!


SH: What would be your perfect first date?

CF: Something that's fun but also allows you to have time to talk. Definitely not a movie. Or, if you do go to a movie, make time to talk about it afterward. I love talking about movies, so maybe seeing a movie but then making time to analyze the movie together afterwards. I'm a film geek, so that would be perfect.


Have a total crush on Corey? Click HERE to find out why he should be your MCM every Monday.