Wear Your Fave Food Wherever You Go Thanks to THESE Miniature Accessories

Who says you can't eat your food and wear it, too?

Clearly not jewelry designer Andrea Díaz, who crafts adorable and incredibly realistic miniature food accessories all out of polymer clay.

Curious to know more about how all of her delicious accessories came to be, we chatted with Andrea about her design process, her favorite piece of work and her advice for any of you who are looking to get into jewelry making.

Keep scrolling to see what she had to say!

Sweety High: What inspired you to get into jewelry making? More specifically, creating mini-food jewelry?

Andrea Díaz: I think I've always been a creative person, and having a family business in silkscreen printing played a big part in my artistic path.
At one point of my life I had no idea of what I wanted to do, I just knew I was good at drawing and painting. When I finished high school, I decided to take a chance in art school, and five years later I graduated. It was an awesome experience. I learned a lot. One of my favorite subjects was modeling and sculpting. It was something I found very relaxing, and the materials can let you make practically anything.

When I graduated, I had no plans, no job, but a lot of responsibilities at home. One day at school, a dear friend arrived to class with a couple of cupcake earrings, which awakened a lot of ideas in me. I thought they were adorable and so different. I've never seen something like that, so I took inspiration from that. Then I decided to do a couple for me. The first ones I did were a pair of pears, but they didn't last long because they were made with air dry clay—not a good material for jewelry. It was that moment when I started researching on YouTube and DeviantArt about cupcake earrings. I was completely amazed by all the creations I discovered. I told myself, I have to to do that.

One of things I always liked growing up, was food and desserts. They're something I really enjoy making. I believe food brings us good memories, like a nice family dinner or just a simple ice cream on the park as little ones. That's why I found making miniature foods adorable.


SH: How did you acquire your skills? Are you self-taught, or did you attend a jewelry making class?

AD: Despite having the training in sculpting from school, I mostly learned everything about jewelry making and miniatures from YouTube tutorials, specifically an amazing lady named Heather Wells. She's one of the people who helped a lot of beginners learn the craft, and also how to run an online business. With time and practice, I learned a lot of tricks and techniques that I also hope to share with others.


SH: What's your favorite piece you've created, or the one you're most proud of?

AD: Back in 2014, a lovely lady commissioned some Halloween character figures. They were challenging, but so much fun to make. I discovered that I could do figures, which was really exciting. I did a couple of Frankensteins, some mummies, witches and skeletons. I wasn't sure I could make them, but I was so happy I was able to. At the end, I really wanted to keep them, but I knew they would have a good home. That's one of my favorite projects and I want to explore that style in the future.


SH: What's been the most difficult piece you've made?

AD: One of the hardest pieces I've created would have to be the animal print cakes. The pattern was hard to figure out with clay. So far I've made zebra, tiger, giraffe and cheetah-printed cakes. People have been asking me how I make them, so I'll have to reveal the technique one day soon.


SH: What's your most popular design?

AD: My red velvet cupcakes are by far some of the most popular designs. The macaron stacks I've started doing this year are also pretty popular.


SH: How many designs have you created to date?

AD: It's hard to tell, but I think close to 500 different types of savory foods and desserts. And I still have plenty more ideas!


SH: Are there any designs you have in the works that you can tell us about?

AD: I'm always updating old designs with new ideas. Every holiday, I try to make new designs, but follow a different color palette. For this upcoming design, I'm going to make decadent mirror glass cakes and more themed macarons. And new best friend food necklace combinations, too.


SH: What's the hardest part about doing what you do?

AD: I think it has to be the schedule. I'm always working up to 4 or 6 a.m., especially during holiday seasons. I want my customers to receive their orders on time, so I'm always struggling with sleep. Sometimes I'm a control freak and I want to finish everything, but my body can't handle the stress sometimes. I couldn't keep up without the support of my family. They're the pillars of this handmade business. They keep me sane.


SH: What's your advice for anyone who wants to go into jewelry making?

AD: I always tell everyone who wants to learn to practice every day. That's the key. Some girls are afraid to try because they think it's going to look bad, but I always encourage them to keep trying. Nothing will be perfect on the first try. Read books, watch tutorials and never stop trying. If you really want to learn, you need to be dedicated, patient and enjoy what you are doing.


Need even more adorable accessories in your life? Check out THESE whimsical designs from La Vidriola.